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Whatsapp is Keeping the Conversation Going with New Update

You’re on a road trip with friends, driving on a backroad in the middle of nowhere when you notice the most perfect sunset directly in front of you. You stop the car, hop out and pull out your iPhone. You quickly snap a picture, excited to send it to your friends (after filtering and editing it of course). You get back in the car and realize you have no service! You cringe at the thought of not being able to send this picture because we all know if you didn’t take a photo, it didn’t happen. How often does this instance occur? You are mid conversation with someone and boom, your connection drops. This scenario is common and very frustrating but with a recent app update this all can be put in the past.

Whatsapp is Keeping the Conversation Going with New Update

Recently, the popular Facebook-owned messaging app, “Whatsapp,” unveiled their latest update and now, being offline won’t hinder your ability to send messages…well sort of. The app is now allowing iPhone users to set up and cue messages so that if you are offline (without cellular connection), you won’t have to worry about the flow of conversation being cut off. Once you regain connection, the messages will be delivered, including photos and video!


All the user has to do is simply hit the “send” button in the conversation and once the connection is restored, the messages will be delivered. This works for multiple messages, too, so sending photos and videos along with messages will not be an issue. This is ideal for people who experience frequent dead zones or travel on subways.


So now there is really no excuse for not getting back to your friends, family or spouse. With apps like Whatsapp making updates like this, the ability to stay connected has never been better. Will the phrase “I have no service” finally be a thing of the past? Let’s hope so!

Whatsapp is Keeping the Conversation Going with New Update


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