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Uber to Unleash Flying Cars in Dallas and Dubai by 2020

At its Uber Elevate Summit, Uber announced the future of on-demand aviation that plans to transport customers in the air by 2023.

These flying taxi cars are being developed by five aviation companies. The cars are being made to make minimal noise and to be efficient; they will safely land vertically like a helicopter but without noise and zero emissions. The cars will be first demonstrated in Dallas and Dubai in 2020. Uber is definitely thinking of the future with innovative ideas to stay progressing.

“If you’re not planting the seeds for 5-10 years out, you have no company in 5-10 years,” Uber chief product officer Jeff Holden said Tuesday.

The main goal for Uber Elevate is to help customers minimize the time wasted in their daily commutes. With these flying taxis in use, they will be able to fly right over the congested traffic. Productivity in customer’s daily lives will rise.

Time is barrier, and cutting time off any routine is essential. Uber Elevate could benefit business people who have various meetings in different parts of town. The cars would also give more access to interaction between people who live far away from each other. Many factors are being worked out, but when it is finalized, we can’t wait to see the content that Uber will create in order to encourage users that transportation by air is safe and effective.

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