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Only in Texas: Man Tackles Food Injustice with Undeveloped Farm in the Hood – Video

George Kiel Feb 23

Recently, we here at coiski were “invited” to an undeveloped urban farm located on the East Side of Austin, Texas. A man by the named Wilton Smith is currently fighting for food injustice following the death of his father who passed away from cancer. Smith believes his dad is a victim of food injustice and has plans to affect the hoods all around the nation from a nutritional standpoint by growing organic foods right in the middle of the ghetto.

Check out our mini-tour of his unestablished farm, and find out, specifically, how he plans on bettering the entire nation.

Also, view how we created aspects of this video below.



  1. Harlo 03/05

    This man is a heartless and vile rapist. He is not tackling food insecurity in Austin, no one knows his name. He is co-opting the work of other Black Austin leaders and naming it as his own.

    Wilton Smith AKA Moses Smith

    1. Black leadership in Austin? Heartless and vile… this is very special. All the work that went into building the undeveloped farm; I did. No blueprints or ideas of its fabrication came from any other person. I only wish that black leaders might consider doing the same. Whoever you are harlo… I wish you well with your endeavors and whatever you hoped to accomplish with your post. Bless

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