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Taylor Swift Posts Eerie Snake Videos on Social Media Accounts

Luis Seijo Aug 22

The famous country-pop crossover singer has been in the spotlight lately…for not being in the spotlight lately. After skipping her annual Fourth of July party this year and being virtually invisible from paparazzi, fans and spectators have been wondering what T-Swizzle has been plotting.

And now, her mysterious behavior online has fans on edge. After deleting all of her posts last week, including profile pictures, Taylor finally made a quiet but eerie comeback Monday to her accounts when she posted a video of a snake.

Twitter had plenty to speculate about with all of the negative portrayals of T-Swift flying around the last year.


Could this be a new, unique obsession of Swift’s, or is she giving us an insight into an upcoming project? Perhaps it’s a foreshadowing of Sunday’s VMAs or a new album on the way. We have so many questions, and only time will tell.

What do you think the ominous post means? Let us know down below.

Luis Seijo

Texas State University | ?????‍?

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