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Snapchat’s New Design Angers Millions

Rikki Yanez Feb 13

Any time a company updates its website or app, users have to spend precious time adjusting to the new look and feel. It’s never good for morale. Snapchat’s design overhaul last week was no different, leaving even even the most Snapchat-savvy in a tizzy. It wasn’t long before they took to the internet to express their disgust.

The new update now groups together all of a user’s friend content (including their stories) on the left side of the app. And swiping right will now lead users to content from multiple media sources such as Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, and National Geographic. To access a user’s own story, they need to select their Bitmoji (if they’ve created one) near the search bar at the top.

Users are complaining that the new layout is taking their friends a longer time to view their Stories, and many people took to Twitter to vent their frustrations.


Some users even went as far as to say the new Snapchat redesign is so horrible they are going to revert to emailing people. According to the Daily Beast, a fake tweet gained over 1.3 million retweets that claimed Snapchat stated they would revert to the old layout if the gained a certain number of retweets.

Let’s be honest – the new Snapchat update is not the greatest. But once you go though the app a couple of times it’s not as complicated as people think. Sending Snaps and viewing your own story becomes easier to manage with time. Snapchat’s main purpose for the update was to allow access to what users’ friends might be doing in their daily lives in the easiest way possible.

We’re hoping the app places Stories on the right side again, along with the other media content. This will avoid the app from looking overly cluttered and will let users view their friend’s stories easily.

What do you think of the update? Will you move from Snapchat to Instagram Stories? Let us know in the comments below!


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