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This Simple iPhone Audio Hack Makes Your Music Even Louder

People on social media are going crazy over the little known iPhone audio trick that can jack up the volume on your music. For content creators who use their smartphones for video and audio editing, this hack can be worth your while.

The trick isn’t anything magical, but it involves an adjustment in the in the audio equalization settings. Equalization, in any kind of sound recording or production, is a process that adjusts the balance between frequency components in an audio system.

iPhones come with the EQ setting set to “off”. However, iPhone owners have the option to go in and change this, as well as a variety of other different audio settings such as Vocal Booster, Bass Reducer (why would you do that?), or Late Night — for a little more “oomph” in your quieter music.

The audio hack was recently made viral by a tweet from user @thebaemarcus. TheBae posted, “How to make your iPhone speaker louder. (Play music while you’re doing it) Thank meh later,” with screenshots showing people how to do it.


Since it was first posted on Twitter last week, the tweet has gotten over 85,000 Retweets and almost 177,000 Likes.

To enable the feature, go to Settings > Music > EQ and select the Late Night option. This will compress whatever audio is being played, so louder audio will sound a bit quieter, and quiet audio will be louder.

Social media users were surprised to hear about this feature and expressed their gratitude to TheBae for the tweet.



Go check out the feature for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments! (We’ll thank TheBae later)

Sydney Rodriguez

Texas State University Junior double majoring in Public Relations and Psychology, with minors in Mass Communications and Psychology. Adrenaline junkie, coffee addict, make up enthusiast.

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