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Roundup: 8 Best #AprilFools Pranks from Around the Web

Jon Zmikly Apr 02

Every year on April 1st, the internet becomes a very dangerous place. Some know it as national “don’t believe anything from social media” day, while most of us call it April Fool’s Day. And for those who aren’t ready, the day can be downright harsh. From friendly trolls like Google turning Maps into an interactive PacMan game, to painful pranks like replacing gum with Play-Doh, the entire internet community comes together for 24 hours to flood the digital world with gags and antics. It’s beautiful. Dangerously beautiful.

This year, some of the best April Fools content came from brands and companies who wanted to stir things up a bit. Check out our 8 favorite pranks, and let us know which ones were your favorite of the day in the comments below!

1. Imgur TV

No, unfortunately, the image sharing site is not streaming content on YouTube. But according to its description, the site claimed to have “achieved what was once thought impossible – GIFs with sound! Welcome to ImgurTV, a gnarly new 24 hour experience showcasing the most righteous Imgur community OC.” With boating clips in what appear to be bayous of Louisiana, as well as a cooking show, Imgur TV might have been an actual hit, if it were in any way real.


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