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The Transition of the @POTUS Social Media Accounts

Whether you were satisfied with the outcome of the 2016 presidential election or not, a very important question arises from the ashes of the critical election result.

What happens to the @POTUS account?

When President-elect Donald Trump becomes inaugurated on January 20th, 2017, the @POTUS Twitter account will be handed over to him; all 12 million followers included. However, the account will appear with no tweets on the timeline. All of President Obama’s tweets on the @POTUS account will be transferred to a new handle, @POTUS44, and will be archived in the National Archives and Records Administration. This will be the case for other Twitter handles, including @WhiteHouse, @FLOTUS, @PressSec and @VP.

Twitter came into prominence during President Obama’s first term, making him the first president to use Twitter. He still has his @BarackObama account as well. The @realDonaldTrump account, used by Trump, will still be active during his term.

Social media has really changed the ways of the world. Only 60 years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson was using the radio to speak to American citizens on the issues surrounding the country. Today, President Obama is viewed as the first “social media president” due to him being the first president to use various different social media platforms to engage with people around the country and the world on important issues.

For a more detailed look at the entire digital transition plan for the newly-elected presidential cabinet, visit whitehouse.gov.


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