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People Mistakenly Think Darius Miles Returned to the NBA

Darius Miles had a decent run in the NBA. He played for several teams, such as the LA Clippers and Cleveland Cavaliers. He eventually retired in 2009 after a season with the Memphis Grizzlies. But recently, many fans got confused when they thought that he was making a triumphant return.

In a tweet by ESPN reporter Adrian Wojnarowski, people mistakenly read too quickly and saw Darius Miles instead of Darius Miller.

The confusion caused people to take to social media to double check that they weren’t reading incorrectly.

Here’s the real information regarding Darius Miller of the Pelicans, NOT Darius Miles:

While Darius Miles could make a comeback in Ice Cube’s Big3 basketball league, don’t expect him to make a comeback to the NBA anytime soon.

Chad Sanchez

I'm an alumni of The University of Texas at Austin with a degree in Journalism. Married with two children, residing in Houston, TX but originally from Dallas, TX so I love the Dallas Mavericks and the Dallas Cowboys. I love sports, gaming and fashion and how they all wrap together into a unique culture. Hoping to turn my passion into a career.

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