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Open the Box: Go Inside What Might Be the Most Overlooked Sneaker Shop in America – Video

The Midwest Region – Minneapolis to be exact – is the location of our latest “Open the Box” episode, as we visit what might be the most overlooked and underrated sneaker shop in the America. Store owner and world traveler, Moh Habib, has built a Japanese-inspired boutique/art gallery that houses three different shopping areas all within a few feet of each other. View the video above to see him share the story of the shop with our own George Kiel.

RELATED: Go Inside one of the Most Overlooked Sneaker Shops in the Bay Area | Go Inside one of the Most Overlooked Sneaker Shops in Florida | Shhh…This Sneaker Store’s Silent Auction You Didn’t Know About | Inside Drumma Boy’s ‘House of Fresh’ Boutique in Atlanta


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