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New Instagram Feature Allows Users to Follow Hashtags

Luis Seijo Dec 15

It’s another week of new features on Instagram.

On Tuesday, the photo sharing site gave users the ability to follow hashtags, just like regular profiles. This will be a great tool for content creators, since it will offer new ways for potential fans and followers to discover photos, videos and people on Instagram.

According to Instagram’s blog, following a hashtag works the same as finding and following a friend. To get started, simply search for a topic you’re interested in or tap on a hashtag from any post. You’ll see relevant hashtags displayed in your search results along with related accounts. When you find a hashtag you like, open the hashtag page and tap on the follow button. You’ll begin seeing top posts from that hashtag in your feed and some of the latest stories in your stories bar. You can always unfollow a hashtag at any time.

This feature was previously being tested on a small number of users, but now it has rolled out to the public. Following hashtags will show you both the most recent posts and the most popular.

According to Instagram, “Following hashtags is just the beginning of how we’re giving you the tools to discover and be inspired by our community.”

What hashtags do you plan on following? We recommend #contentisking, but let us know your favorites!

Luis Seijo

Texas State University | ?????‍?

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