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NBC Invents A New Digital Video Journalism Platform

NBC, the company that brought the world colored television, is reinventing itself once again. When we think of NBC, many of us just think of a television company that provides us news. But now, they are expanding their way of reaching the public eye, through social media.

NBC is calling this special team NBC Left Field, and it’s aiming to bring news and other fun videos through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Videos will be approximately 10-15 minutes in length and will premiere once per week. Over time, Left Field’s goal is to be able to produce multiple videos a week for a younger, mobile audience.

The team, led by Matt Danzico, has produced only a few videos in the way of content. One Left Field’s first videos is called “Museum of Failure,” which gives an insight on their team of journalists, photographers, and video creators. With these impressive skills, we’re sure to see some revolutionary content.

One of Left Field’s goals is to draw a younger audience and be able to bring those viewers to NBC, considering young adults and teens don’t regularly tune into the network’s normal television programs. Content will be mobile-ready and almost strictly made to be viewed on a smartphone.

Do you think that this new venture from NBC will help revolutionize they way we news and learn more about our world? Let us know in the comments below!

Joe R. Wells

Currently attending college in pursuit of a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Theology. I collect sneakers and go on mission trips with my church every summer.

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