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iPhone X Tops the DxOMark Mobile Rankings for Photo Quality

Looking for a top-notch camera that fits snuggly in your pocket? Apple’s 10th Anniversary iPhone might just be the “X” that marks the spot in your search.

DxOMark is renowned for its in-depth testing and reviews on the latest cameras available. When it came time to weigh in the iPhone X, the scale almost broke, scoring a ‘101’ for photo quality.

“The Apple iPhone X achieves the best results so far for still images,” stated DxOMark.

The iPhone X topped the charts just above the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and Huawei Mate 10, each scoring 100.

In comparison to the iPhone 8 and its predecessors, “The X improves noticeably on Zoom performance but also does better in terms of Exposure, Color, TextureNoise and Artifacts,” DxOMark stated in its review.

With an overall score of 97 points, Apple’s iPhone X sets itself among the top mobile devices of DxOMark’s review ranking, just behind the Google Pixel 2 with 98 points. The great score on photo quality is impressive and stands out as one of the X’s strengths, but its video performance still has some catching up to do.

For some tips on how to take great shots with your iPhone (whether or not you got the 8 or the X), visit our article on iPhone photography tips!


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