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The IOC and Intel Partner Up for a Tech-Filled Olympics

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been seeking new tech innovations for the Olympic Games in order to reach out to a younger audience. Recently the IOC and Intel made a 7-year-deal to provide technology such as VR live broadcast, 360 video, 360 content, AI analytics, drones, and 5G services.

The advances in tech will appear in the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang and go through 2024.

In this digital age it is imperative to give the viewer/user every capability to get the best experience possible. The goal for sports and tech to partner together is to have viewers of the Olympic Games feel like they are at the games, no matter where they actually are in the world.

The cutting-edge technology is converging with many aspects of entertainment and businesses. Story telling and broadcasting have higher expectations due to the advancements of VR, drones, and 360 content.

What industry will tech enhance next?

Source: Tech Crunch


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