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Instagram Update Brings New Features to Stories, Archiving and Highlights

Luis Seijo Dec 06

Building on its already dominant Stories feature, Instagram has announced some new updates to keep its momentum going.

Instagram’s newest feature is called Highlights. Currently, when you post a story to Instagram, it disappears within 24 hours. But with this update, Instagram will group these stories and essentially turn them into highlight reels and display the past 24 hours under your bio until you remove them yourself. This can be great for creatives and brands who want to show off the best of their Stories for long periods of time.

According to Instagram’s blog, “From the best moments of your ongoing soccer season to all the stories you capture of your loved ones, the interests and activities that matter most to you have a home right on your profile.”

Another update to Instagram Stories is its Archive feature. While an extension of the feature is already available to all profiles, your Stories will now be archived automatically. Instagram says this feature “makes it easy for you to revisit your favorite moments later on or bring them back to life in a highlight.”

The Instagram Help Center has even more information about the new Highlights and Archives features if you need any help getting them working for you. If you’ve updated your Instagram, let us know how you like the new changes below!

Luis Seijo

Texas State University | ?????‍?

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