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Google’s Art App Becomes Top-Downloaded Thanks to Instant Viral Selfies

Quite a buzz has been generating lately after social media users discovered a not-so new app on their phone, the Google Arts and Culture app. The app that’s been around since 2016, recently got an update that allows users to use the facial recognition feature to match their selfie to that of a famous artist.

Since its update, the app has managed to become the most downloaded on both iOS and Android, leaving other apps behind while users explore this new avenue. Even though the app has been around for a couple of years, it still offers many articles and artist features, which will probably be accessed more, now that it’s become so popular.

Check out the tweet below for how to use the Google Art and Culture app.


Many celebrities such as Kumail Nanjiani have posted their artist selfies, and that initially got things buzzing.



Many other users have played with the app, and some of the comparisons are indeed pretty amazing, while some others not so. Check out a few below:


Chad Sanchez

I'm an alumni of The University of Texas at Austin with a degree in Journalism. Married with two children, residing in Houston, TX but originally from Dallas, TX so I love the Dallas Mavericks and the Dallas Cowboys. I love sports, gaming and fashion and how they all wrap together into a unique culture. Hoping to turn my passion into a career.

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