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Facebook’s “Explore Feed” Is Now Moving To Desktop

Facebook has been running the social media game for quite some time now, mainly focusing on the mobile app, rather than the desktop site. But now a feature we’ve all gotten used to on the app, the “Explore Feed“, is finally available for desktop.

The “Explore Feed” is a way that allows Facebook to personalize the experience for its users. It learns users’ tendencies and preferences. It then shows relevant articles, videos, and other posts that Facebook may think they would like based on their activity on the site. It will also allow users to find Pages and profiles they might not have already been following.

To access the newest edition to the desktop version of the social media empire, you must go to the “see more…” tab on your front page.

What do you think of the late addition to Facebooks desktop version? Have you already been using the feature on your mobile device? If so what do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below!

Joe R. Wells

Currently attending college in pursuit of a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Theology. I collect sneakers and go on mission trips with my church every summer.

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