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ESPN Reporter Gets Duped by ‘The Onion’

If you’re an avid fan of the satire newspaper ‘The Onion‘, you know that any news that comes from the publication is purposely and hilariously false. But with all the craziness happening in our world today, it’s understandable that someone might think an Onion article is true. That’s why it’s so important to check, and double-check your sources before posting an article. For ESPN reporter Laura Rutledge, she learned the hard way.

When a tweet sent out by The Onion caught Rutledge’s attention, she quickly backfired, unaware that others would catch her on her slip-up. The reporter went on to claim in her own tweet that she’s never done a Notre Dame game, and that specific day she was in Knoxville attending a football game. She was eventually informed by her colleagues what The Onion was and later deleted the tweet. Here are a few of the responses.

Let this be a sober reminder for all reporters fact-check their information before being trolled by online users.

Chad Sanchez

I'm an alumni of The University of Texas at Austin with a degree in Journalism. Married with two children, residing in Houston, TX but originally from Dallas, TX so I love the Dallas Mavericks and the Dallas Cowboys. I love sports, gaming and fashion and how they all wrap together into a unique culture. Hoping to turn my passion into a career.

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