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A Couple Starts a Travel Photography Workshop in Peru for Study Abroad Adults

Have you ever had the itch to travel? Maybe try something new? Maybe develop a new hobby or get the chance to learn new skills for a passion you have? Well, if you like exploring and taking photos, there is a couple from New York who has put together a workshop for adults that will fulfill your desires in both areas.

Andrea Gentl and Martin Hyers have taken their love of photography to an entirely new level. From India to Burma, the couple enjoys traveling to the most foreign parts of the world and capturing all of the nuances of each location. Calling their program “This is Wanderlust,” Gentl and Hyers are giving you the chance to not only travel with them, but also learn a few things about getting that perfect photo.

A Couple Starts a Travel Photography Workshop in Peru for Study Abroad Adults

Having gained followers on Instagram simply for their amazing photos, it only makes sense to use that platform to market and get your brand out to the masses and that exactly what they did. A quick flip through their Instagram pages will allude to the fact that these two take photography and imagery very seriously. Gentl’s angles and ability to capture the perfect moment will instantly draw you in.

The couple, who loved visiting new places and taking photo, were able to create a workshop to help others develop their photo skills, along with the chance to see the world. Make sure to check out their Instagram pages to see all the amazing images they have captured during their travels.


Source: cntraveler


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