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Couple Films Awesome Hyperlapse Through Asia

Most vacation photos and videos consist of basic selfies and beautiful scenery. But creative couple Daniel and Gina of Sunrise Odyssey decided to share their memorable travels through a three-minute hyperlapse video. Their short video, which recently went viral on YouTube, covers their travels in China, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, and Greece over the course of a year.

Not only does the timelapse video feature the couple’s many locations, but they appear to be floating along their exciting journey while sequencing to night and day shots and constantly changed in their outfits. Check out the video below:

This piece is definitely different from other travel videos out there as the couple uses their creativity to create this amazing content. Near the end of the video, they even show you some quick behind-the-scenes shots on how they accomplished the feat.

Is this one of the best travel videos you’ve seen lately? Let us know what you think about this process in the comments below.

Chad Sanchez

I'm an alumni of The University of Texas at Austin with a degree in Journalism. Married with two children, residing in Houston, TX but originally from Dallas, TX so I love the Dallas Mavericks and the Dallas Cowboys. I love sports, gaming and fashion and how they all wrap together into a unique culture. Hoping to turn my passion into a career.

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