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Coach Doc Rivers to Reporter: That’s the Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Heard

George Kiel Apr 17

The 2017 NBA Playoffs kicked off this past weekend, and there were many takeaways from Day 1 and Day 2 in regards to trash talking, heartfelt moments and many other aspects. One of the funnier situations involved the post-game interview conference between Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers and the Utah Jazz/Los Angeles Clippers media.

The Clippers lost on a buzzer beater by Jazz forward Joe Johnson, but on the previous possession, the Clippers had the ball with 18.7 seconds left in regulation and were trailing by two points. Doc Rivers called an out-of-bounds play in which point guard Chris Paul got a layup with 13 seconds left on the clock.

But it left just enough time for the Jazz, who didn’t call a timeout after Paul’s bucket, to score the aforementioned buzzer.

After the game, Rivers was asked if his successful out-of-bounds play for Paul to score the tying basket happened too quickly and if he should have had the Clippers run down the clock to take the final shot.

Enjoy Doc’s response in the video above. Geesh.


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