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Apple Announces New Touchscreen Stylus

Apple announced a brand new stylus last Monday called the “crayon stylus“. Revealed at a co-sponsored educational event between Apple and Logitech, the new product will go for $49, which is very affordable compared to the $99 Apple pencil. The announcement also included a new Logitech iPad case and keyboard combo for $99.99.

Although these products won’t be released until this summer, none of them are for public consumption. They are all part of Apple’s educational efforts, taking aim at a bigger stake in the school technology market. Google recently dropped its first ever Chrome OS tablet, which will soon be a fixture in public schools across America through its rolling classrooms initiative. With Google’s focus shift toward education, Apple has thrown its hat into the educational ring.

Apple also announced a cheaper 9.-7 inch iPad with pencil support that will be geared toward schools and learning. The student price for the iPad is $299, but for the general public it will cost $329.


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