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7 Ways To Create Shareable Content

With the onset of social media and free publishing tools, almost anyone can become a content creator. But shareablility is one of the most important factors to how successful that content is truly is. Check out our list below on how you can start making content on your blog or media platform that is reaches the widest audience possible, and — who knows — maybe it will be even be the next viral sensation!

1. Stay Informed

Newsworthiness is one of the pillars of shareable content, so it’s important to bone up daily on the latest trends. Both Twitter and Facebook have trending sections that you can tailor to view local and even global trends. Depending on your target audience, you can use these tools to find topics, events and other happenings to build or find new stories. The content in the trending section is surely to make the most buzz.

2. Sharing Buttons

Once you’ve got your content published, sharing buttons are key. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing when placed correctly, but they also make it easier for an audience to share your content. No one has time to copy and paste a link anymore on the Internet, so make it easier for them and have visible buttons to share on all relevant social media platforms.

3. Interact And Engage

Respond to your audience and have a conversation with them as best as you can. Making your audience know you acknowledge them makes them feel special, and it’s a great way to build brand loyalty. Your audience may respond positively or negatively, and it’s important to respond to both. Listening to your online community can help you get ideas for future content and let you know what doesn’t work for them.

4. Make Charts And Graphs

Charts and graphs make it easier for others to understand the message in a fast manner. Some of your audience might not have time to read your blog or article, but they will more likely see a graph or chart and understand it clearly. When your audience understands your content there is a better chance of them sharing your content.

5. Interviews with Experts

Interviewing experts not only makes your content more credible, but it also increases the potential for much more attention. Experts will most likely share the interview on their social media platforms. Because experts often have huge audiences, the article will inevitably get more shares!

6. Use Images and Graphics

Social media sites are increasingly visual, and they usually highlight high quality graphics and images. So when you add appealing graphics, you’re sure to capture more attention. Graphics and images that tell a story often garner more shares than content without it. If you’re looking for free, royalty free images, check out our post on the 8 Best Sites for Royalty Free Images.

7. Content Is King

This is last, but it’s probably the most important: create something unique! No one wants boring content that has already been done. When you consistently create engaging, creative content, your audience will grow, and you will definitely stand out. You must continuously create compelling content that impacts others each time for it to be effective. For you brand to become trusted, remember that CONTENT IS KING.


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